A model for predicting mining subsidence in bedding rock slopes
DAI Zhangyin1,2,3,TANG Jianxin1,2,WANG Yanlei1,2,JIANG Zebiao3,ZHANG Lu4,LIU Shu1,2
(1. State Key Laboratory of Coal Mine Disaster Dynamics and Control,Chongqing University,Chongqing 400044,China;
2. College of Resources and Environmental Sciences,Chongqing University,Chongqing 400044,China;3. Mining College,
Guizhou University,Guiyang,Guizhou 550025,China;4. 3rd Construction Co.,Ltd. of China
Construction 5th Engineering Bureau,Changsha,Hunan 410000,China)
Abstract:The bedding rock slope was studied in order to effectively predict its deformation and failure induced by underground mining in mountainous area based on the probabilistic integration on mining subsidence of horizontal surface. A model for predicting the subsidence and deformation of bedding rock slopes was established under the condition of unit mining and semi-infinite mining and a calculation process was presented. The predicted results were compared with the data from field test and physical modelling test. The predicted results are in good agreement with the measured data of subsidence. The shape of the predicted subsidence curve is similar to that from the physical modelling test and they have the same maximum values of subsidence.
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DAI Zhangyin1,2,3,TANG Jianxin1,2,WANG Yanlei1,2,JIANG Zebiao3,ZHANG Lu4,LIU Shu1,2. A model for predicting mining subsidence in bedding rock slopes. , 2017, 36(12): 3012-3020.
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