Abstract:The combined prefabricated horizontal drains(PHDs) with vacuum preloading is an effective method to treat the dredged clayey soils and shows significant advantages in shallow licensed storage dumps especially. This paper investigated the consolidation/dewatering characteristics of dredged high-water-content clay slurry using prefabricated vertical drains(PVDs) and prefabricated horizontal drains assisted by vacuum preloading. The dewatering capacity,surface settlement,bending of drains and water content after consolidation were recorded and analyzed. Compared with PVDs,the PHDs effectively avoided bending and thus resulted in a very uniform deformation within the model ground. The thickness of soil domain above and below the PHD decreased with time which accelerated the vacuum consolidation indicated by the dewatering rate from tests. The PHD showed a better treatment than PVD,and the water content of model soil decreased from an initial value of 360% to 150% in PHD consolidation which is 30%–40% lower than PVD consolidation. The possible differences between model tests and field cases due to size effect were discussed finally.
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