Abstract: Currently,the effect of the axial force servo(compensation) system on the deformation control of soft soil foundation pits is inconsistent,and its advantages have not been fully exerted. Therefore,based on the active control method of the lateral deformation of the foundation pit,the particle swarm algorithm based on swarm intelligence is innovatively applied to solve the optimization problem of the supporting axial force,and the optimization method of the supporting axial force considering the construction process of the foundation pit is established. In addition,the calculation program of the vertical elastic foundation beam method based on the particle swarm algorithm is developed to obtain the reasonable supporting axial force that can meet the strength and stiffness requirements of the supporting structure in the dynamic and multi-condition changing foundation pit construction. The results show that the particle swarm algorithm introduced in this paper can simply and efficiently solve the optimization problem of the supporting axial force under dynamic and multiple constraint conditions involving the internal force and deformation of the retaining structure and the bearing capacity of the support,providing a reference for the design of deep foundation pits based on active control in the future.
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