Non-parametric automatic microseismic data denoising via PD method and its application
PENG Ping?an1,2,WANG Liguan1,2,PEI Anlei2
(1. School of Resources and Safety Engineering,Central South University,Changsha,Hunan 410083,China;2. Changsha Digital Mine Co.,Ltd.,Changsha,Hunan 410083,China)
摘要工程微震监测中常包含较多低信噪比信号。现有去噪方法存在参数多且需要手工调节等问题,为此,提出一种针对微震信号的无参数自动去噪PD(pick and denoise)算法。算法首先通过改进AIC(akaike information criterion)方法初步拾取P波初至,得到信号的背景噪声段,通过傅里叶变换在频率域上提取噪声功率谱信息,在此基础上从微震信号的功率谱中减去噪声功率谱,最后应用傅里叶逆变换还原得到去噪后微震信号。利用Matlab人工合成不同类型、不同信噪比的含噪信号,应用PD算法进行去噪并与EEMD(ensemble empirical mode decomposition)、小波去噪方法进行比较,结果表明:PD算法去噪后的平均绝对误差和误差标准差均优于EEMD和小波去噪方法,并且对于低信噪比信号,PD算法仍具有良好的效果。最后将PD算法应用于陕西省引汉济渭工程秦岭4#支洞微震监测工程中,对2 730条微震信号进行去噪分析,得平均P波信噪比从滤波前的16.49提高到了35.62,表明PD算法对于提高工程微震信号质量具有良好的应用价值。
Abstract:Microseismic signals are often highly corrupted by unwanted noise in engineering. The performance of existing denoising methods depends on the accuracy of selected parameters that need to tune manually. Thus,we have proposed a non-parametric automatic denoising algorithm for microseismic data,named PD method. In this method,we use a modified AIC(akaike information criterion) algorithm to obtain the background noise of the signal,then the noise power spectrum is extracted by Fourier transform in the frequency domain. Next,the noise power spectrum is subtracted from the signal power spectrum,and then we can recover the microseismic signal by inverse Fourier transform. We have tested PD method by synthesized signals with different types and different signal-to-noise ratios using Matlab and compared the result with EEMD and wavelet denoising method. Results show that the mean absolute error and standard deviation of the denoised waveform after PD method are better than that after EEMD and wavelet denoising. For signals with low signal-to-noise ratios,PD method still has a good performance. We have denoised 2 730 microseismic signals recorded by a microseismic monitoring system in Qinling No.4 inclined shaft of Shaanxi Yinhanjiwei project,China. The average P-wave signal-to-noise ratio is increased from 16.49 to 35.62 after PD method denoising. The results show the effectiveness of the proposed method for improving microseismic data quality.
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