Application and effectiveness evaluation of hydraulic fracturing for roadway pressure relief in coal mines
SHI Yao1,WANG Zhanling1,CHENG Lixing1,XU Shida2
(1. CCTEG Coal Mining Research Institute,Beijing 100013,China;2. Institute of Deep Engineering and Intelligent Technology,Northeastern University,Shenyang,Liaoning 110819,China)
Abstract:Hydraulic fracturing in roadway pressure relief is an effective method for controlling the surrounding rock of roadways. Using the 15217 coal pillar working face at the Hongliulin Coal Mine as the engineering background,this study constructs a 16-channel microseismic monitoring system. By analyzing the activity patterns of microseismic events within the roof before and after hydraulic fracturing and during face mining,combined with mine pressure monitoring data,the effectiveness of hydraulic fracturing in roadway pressure relief was evaluated. The results indicate that the high-precision underground sensor array effectively captures microseismic events induced by hydraulic fracturing with high localization accuracy. The microseismic events align closely with the fracturing operation period,and during non-fracturing periods,especially within five hours after fracturing ends,microseismic events continue to increase. Hydraulic fracturing causes both direct and indirect damage to the roof strata. The hydraulic fracturing diffusion radius can reach approximately 50 meters,with a significant impact radius of around 30 meters. Microseismic events are concentrated around the borehole,and their dense distribution area presents an asymmetrical shape. During the mining process,stress concentration zones are observed both in front and behind the working face. The stress concentration zone in front of the working face is 30–35 meters from the coal wall,while the one behind the working face is 40–45 meters from the coal wall,with the most concentrated distribution of microseismic events within these ranges. The vertical stress changes within the coal pillar during initial mining can be divided into three stages,with the vertical stress distribution in the coal pillar profile showing a“single peak”shape. During secondary mining,the vertical stress near the working face reaches its maximum value about 15–20 meters ahead of the face but remains significantly lower than in unrelieved working faces. Compared to unrelieved working faces,the stress,change amplitude,and impact duration on the bolts(cables) are significantly reduced.
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