Abstract:To study the breakage and migration of soil and rock granular materials from the aspect of grain group,a series of one-dimensional compression tests with different vertical stresses and particle size distributions (PSD) were carried out on dyed gypsum particles. Particles of different groups were separated according to their sizes and colors by combining artificial recognition and image recognition software,and the particle breakage and migration mode,the particle breakage percentage and the breakage overlap effect were analyzed. It is found that particles undergo more than one generation of breakage with broken particles migrating from bigger size intervals to the adjacent smaller ones,and thus,the PSDs of each-color particles are ungapped. With decreasing the particle size,the particle breakage percentage of the better-graded particles increases(for samples with a relatively narrow PSD) or increases first and then decreases(for samples with a relatively wide PSD),but is lower than that of the uniformly graded particles in general. The breakage overlap is described as the phenomenon that the mass of survived particles within a size interval decreases obviously after crushing while the overall mass of the size interval drops little or even increases. In addition,an absolute particle breakage index considering breakage overlap is established based on the concept of grading entropy. The test results can also provide a reference for the numerical simulation of particle breakage.
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