(1. School of Civil Engineering,Guizhou Institute of Technology,Guiyang,Guizhou 550001,China;2. Institute of Geochemistry,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Guiyang,Guizhou 550001,China)
Abstract:Using CE–5(Chang?e–5) simulated lunar soil as the main material,three types of experimental samples(YR–1,YR–2,YR–3) were made by adding inorganic curing agents. A universal servo hydraulic press (100 kN) was used to apply vertical loads,and stress-strain curves were obtained. The internal morphology and micro cavity characteristics of the samples were observed using scanning electron microscopy. The failure morphology,deformation performance,and elastic modulus of the solidified lunar soil samples were studied. The uniaxial compressive constitutive model of CE–5 simulated lunar soil solid samples was obtained through segmented analysis. The conclusion is as follows:(1) The compressive strength is related to the water cement ratio and the amount of cementitious materials used. As the water cement ratio decreases,the compressive strength increases,and as the amount of curing agent increases. (2) There are generally many micro voids and small cracks inside the solidified sample. When the external pressure reaches the ultimate strength,the micro voids and micro cracks expand and penetrate,leading to the failure of the sample. (3) The experimental results of stress-strain curves were fitted using cubic polynomials and rational fractions to obtain the rising and falling sections of the stress-strain curves of lunar solidified soil. A segmented constitutive model for lunar solidified soil specimens was proposed,and the calculated results of the model were in good agreement with the experimental curves,providing a theoretical basis for the technical analysis of lunar soil engineering.
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