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Compressed air energy storage in hard rock caverns:airtight performance,thermomechanical behavior and stability Hot!
Study on crack grouting and secondary corrosion of tunnel lining with non-through cracks in sulfate environment
Experimental study on evolution of meso-structure of granite subjected to high temperature
Study on the deformation characteristics of sandstone under dynamic pre-peak unloading and wetting-swelling cycles
Failure precursor of granite rockburst based on acoustic emission signal characteristics
Percolation modelling of dilation deformation evolution of sandstone under tri-axial cyclic loading-unloading
Research on the evolution law of mechanics and fracture characteristics of oil shale under real-time high temperature conditions
Study on the fracture characteristics and evolution mechanisms of Beishan granite under different crack propagation rates
Analysis of large deformation characteristics of soft rock tunnel surrounding rock under high geo-stresses based on microseismic monitoring and #br# numerical simulation
Model test research on anti-dislocation performance of spiral tunnels crossing active fault zones
Support-rock interaction and supporting parameter optimization in deep backfilling longwall faces with hard roof
Experimental research on deformation and instability characteristics of hollow cylindrical granite with weak interlayers under fatigue-creep loading
Study on damage and catastrophic mechanisms of the locked section of a“three-stage”rock slope in a freeze-thaw environment
Study on the influence of loading system stiffness on post-peak failure of sandstone under unilateral and biaxial constraints
Cyclic shear characteristics and shear strength weakening mechanism of calcareous sand
Constitutive model of CE–5 simulated lunar soil solid specimens under uniaxial compression
Analytical solution of active earth pressure under ultimate stress state conditions
Deformation and strength behaviors of unsaturated loess considering the influence of closed gas phase
Analysis method and engineering application of surrounding rock stability of deep-buried tunnel under high external water pressure
True three-dimensional physical simulation and nonlinear strength reduction analysis of surrounding rock stability in deep underground laboratory
Study on freeze-thaw damage degradation mechanism of sandstone and its mechanical response characteristics under impact load