岩石力学与工程学报  2023, Vol. 42 Issue (12): 3031-3042    DOI: 10.13722/j.cnki.jrme.2023.0063
  学术论文 本期目录 | 过刊浏览 | 高级检索 |
白玉书1,2,3,4,裴强强1,2,3,4,刘  鸿2,3,崔惠萍2,3,邵明申5
(1. 兰州理工大学 教育部土木工程防灾减灾工程中心,甘肃 兰州  730050;2. 敦煌研究院,甘肃 敦煌  736200;3. 甘肃省敦煌文物保护研究中心,甘肃 敦煌  736200;4. 甘肃莫高窟文化遗产保护设计咨询有限公司,甘肃 敦煌 736200;5. 中国文化遗产研究院,北京  100029)
Study on inverted anchorage method and performance of microminiature bolts in sandstone grotto roof
BAI Yushu1,2,3,4,PEI Qiangqiang1,2,3,4,LIU Hong2,3,CUI Huiping2,3,SHAO Mingsheng5
(1. Key Laboratory of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation in Civil Engineering of Gansu Province,Lanzhou University of Technology,Lanzhou,Gansu 730050,China;2. Dunhuang Academy,Dunhuang,Gansu 736200,China;3. Research Center for Conservation of Cultural Relics of Dunhuang,Dunhuang,Gansu 736200,China;4. Cultural Heritage Conservation Design and
Consultation Co.,Ltd. of Gansu Mogao Grottoes,Dunhuang,Gansu 736200,China;
5. Chinese Academy of Cultural Heritage,Beijing 100029,China)
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