Abstract:The rocky slope has obvious structural characteristics,and the deformation and failure characteristics and stability of slopes of different slope structure types are also different. The existing indexes for evaluating the stability of rock slopes are difficult to reflect the relative difference of the stability of rock slopes of different slope structure types quantitatively and objectively. Therefore,based on the concept of slope safety factor K,this paper introduces a safety index for evaluating the stability of rock slope,safety stability rate ,which is the ratio of the safety factor of rock slope when the structural characteristics of slope are considered to that of rock slope when the structural characteristics of slope are not considered,and is a relative index to characterize the stability of rock slope. Based on the finite element strength reduction method,the safety stability ratio of three types of basic structural plane rock slopes and nine types of typical slope structures is calculated and analyzed. The safety stability rate of Class I structural plane slope is the lowest,and that of Class III structural plane slope is the highest. The safety stability rate of rock slopes with different slope structures varies within a certain range,and its distribution rules are basically consistent with the actual classification results of rock slope stability. The above research results show that the safety stability rate can not only objectively reflect the influence of structure on the stability of rock slopes,but also quantitatively reflect the relative difference of the stability of rock slopes with different slope structure types. The safety stability rate can be used as a new quantitative index to reflect the influence of slope structure characteristics on the stability of rock slopes,and can be used to evaluate the stability of rock slopes of different slope structure types.
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